About ROCK:

ROCK is an outreach program to kids and families in the city of St. Paul. During the summertime, we have a trailer with a fold out stage and a built-in sound system that we take to different housing developments each night of the week. We present a gospel message each night with the use of music, skits, games, stories, and object lessons. After the program, we provide treats for kids and adults alike, and can build relationships with entire families.

During the school year, we meet inside local community centers where available and continue to teach Bible lessons, play games, do crafts and provide a snack.

While our ministry takes place in the community, we often build connections with the families that can carry over into other ministries at Redeeming Love Church. As we get to know families, we can identify any extra needs that may come up in their lives, and the Church help to meet those needs.

  • List of Ministry options
    • Weekly Summer Outreach – On-stage program presentations as well as background support and relationship building.
    • Rally Night – High energy big party that both kicks-off and closes out the ROCK season
    • Indoor School Year programs– Hands-on opportunities to connect with kids and show them Christ’s love

Brad & Katina Stamp

ROCK Leads