Each team at Redeeming Love is made up of individuals seeking God and willing to serve the church. We believe each of us has unique gifts and talents to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives, and we offer many different ways to live that out both inside and outside the church walls. All of our volunteers make up various ministry teams throughout the church.
CONNECT TEAM: Welcome attendees as they enter the building, help people find their way through the building, and hand out bulletins, giving envelopes, and communion. Times are Sundays at 8:20 am and 9:50 am. Occasionally Saturdays at 4:20 pm.
USHER TEAM: Seat attendees and help maintain order during services in the auditorium. Times are Sundays at 8:20 am and 9:50 am. Occasionally Saturdays at 4:20 pm.
PARKING LOT: Help attendees as they enter the parking lot. Times are Sundays at 8:20 am and 9:50 am. Occasionally Saturdays at 4:20 pm and special events.
MANNA MARKET: Help is needed setting up, guiding attendees through the shopping experience, and cleaning up on the 4th Monday of the month, 2-6 pm.
BLESSING CLOSET: Attendants are needed to assist and welcome visitors in the clothing closet in between and after Sunday services.
RLC EVENTS: Special Events come up throughout the year. Be an occasional greeter, usher, parking attendant, ticket taker, registration table helper, or book table sales helper. No training needed instructions will be given before the event. Times vary as needed.
SPECIAL OUTREACHES: Special Outreaches happen throughout the year. Plan the event, greet attendees, make food, hand out food, registration table, pray with people, run games, set up, and clean up. Times vary as needed.