Pastor Mike & Sandi Lead Pastors

Mike Smith is Senior Pastor of Redeeming Love Church, a congregation merging urban and suburban believers in Christ, located on the border of St. Paul and Maplewood, Minnesota. In May 1981, when promoted to Senior Pastor, he received a vision to pastor beyond the church walls, to build the kingdom of God and to allow Jesus to build His church, incorporating every denomination and ethnic group. He has a pastor’s heart for the city of St. Paul, and believes that by the power of the Holy Spirit, people will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as in the book of Acts. If it can happen in the cities in the book of Acts, it can happen in St. Paul!

Mike has been involved in leadership initiatives connecting pastors from different denominations and ethnic groups, such as St. Paul Pastors’ Prayer, Prayer Transformation Ministries, Cities Church (St. Paul and Minneapolis Pastors) the Minnesota Prophetic Conference and the International Healing Conference. One of three pastors who started the St. Paul Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Mike has served on the Executive Board of Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge since it began in 1983 and many other mission and ministry endeavors. He has served as Police Chaplain for White Bear Lake for 15 years and Presbyter with the Assemblies of God for 8 years. Mike also served as Chaplain for the Minnesota Senate. Mike has opened the doors of Redeeming Love Church to host many Twin Cities, State, and International Conferences, as well as provided a location to gather for special community events. Happily married for over 50 years to Sandi, they have three children and eight grandchildren who love and serve God.

Our Pastors & Staff:

Mike Smith

Lead Pastor

James Peck

Associate Pastor

Brad Stamp

Community Pastor & Administrator

Robbie Peck

Youth Pastor

Marcus Montana

Pastor of City Transformation

Katina Stamp

Kids' Ministry Director

Karly Peck

Digital Media Director

Ron Whyte

Facilities Manager

Leah Schaible

Worship Director

Irene McBride


Zach Gruber

Production Lead

Stacie Cox

Kids' Ministry Assistant

Jodi Ogren

Calendar Coordinator

Ari Marek

Administrative Assistant

Terry Tomsen

Administrative Assistant