We feel as older Christian men and women we have a duty to help the younger generation. We look for ways to develop mentoring relationships with the children and youth or anyone of any age who would like to learn that if you commit to God, He will commit to you.
We feel that a 55+ Christian never truly gets old. You only get old when you stop seeking the advancement of the kingdom of God. We are happy to share our experiences of the faithfulness of God. We will tell any of our unshakeable faith in Him.
Senior Bible Study: Tuesdays 12:30 -2:30p, Door 4, Room 317. February – November. Time of studying God’s Word together, sharing prayer requests and praise reports, and fellowship. We are currently studying the book of Acts.
Senior Lunches: Café, Door #4. Lunches are held every other month, beginning in April 2025. It is a fellowship opportunity for church members and seniors from the community to enjoy a lovely lunch and hear a special speaker on interesting and relevant topics. A free–will offering is taken to cover expenses.