Join Us In-Person
Join us for our 9:00 am and 10:30 am ServicesService FAQs
What do services look like?
Our service begins with a time of musical worship, then the pastor leads us in greetings, announcements, and the offering followed by a message and a time of ministry. You will see varied expressions of worship. God wants a relationship with us. As we seek Him, He reveals Himself to us and we respond. You may see expressions such as standing during the worship music, raising of hands, dancing, or waving flags. People may pray aloud or silently. After the message, the pastor will invite all who need prayer to come to the platform where prayer team members are waiting to pray with anyone who comes.
Do you offer anything for kids?
We offer childcare for children from birth to age 2 and programming for preschool through 5th grade. If this is your first time checking in your child, please visit our check-in station in the west hallway to be set up for our self-check-in kiosks. If your child needs you during the service, their number will flash to the sides of the stage to alert you to check on them.
How many services do you have?
We have two-weekend services: Sundays at 9 & 10:30 am. We hope to see you soon!